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川游不息 The ReNewal —— 氣息
【水生 Aquatic Life】—— 浮花映月 Moonlit Flowers
⽔在哪裡 ⽣命就在那裡 Life is where, there is water
【島嶼 Island】—— 波光莢影 Sparkling Pods
為現在也為未來 For now and for the future
【蛻變 Transformation 】—— 蝶舞風姿 Buterflies in the Wind
不只是美麗 還有⽣存的本領 Not only beautiful but equipped with survival skills
【共棲 Commensalism 】—— 豐蕊織間 Pistil Playground
花朵植物跟你想的不⼀樣 Flowers and plant are not as what you think
【水生 Aquatic Life】—— 浮花映月 Moonlit Flowers
⽔在哪裡,⽣命就在那裡 Life is where, there is water
71% of the blue planet we live on is covered by oceans converging from and flowing toward all directions, providing living for all things on Earth. Water knows the answers to life. Little seeds in nature grow because of water and become huge trees or all kinds of plants. When plants cluster, they will receive sunlight together and grow vigorously to bring Earth full energy as well as forming the atmosphere that can generate life. It is not only the energy pulsation of Earth, but also the source of life stories.
【島嶼 Island】—— 波光莢影 Sparkling Pods
為現在也為未來 For now and for the future
Scientists stated that the isolated ecological environment of an island is like a laboratory of nature. Let’s explore the operating principles of natural selection and ecological evolution. Every island has its distinctive animals and plants, and is a valuable treasure of Earth.
Taiwan is a continental island with many endemic species as well as rare and vulnerable resources. We share with them sunlight, water and air, but also bear urban development and habitat reduction together. We are not different when it comes to survival.
Making friends with nature and feeling with empathy the harmonious co-existence of ecology and all things are for now and for the future.
【蛻變 Transformation 】—— 蝶舞風姿 Buterflies in the Wind
不只是美麗 還有⽣存的本領 Not only beautiful but equipped with survival skills
Butterflies spend their lives living taking risks. From fat caterpillars to chrysalises and then to butterflies, their form undergoes dramatic change as they reformed new appearances after they destroyed themselves. These transformed butterflies, without protection of strong armors, have to strive for survival all their lives in the arena of nature.
The immense transformations and growth finally result in a pair of wings, allowing them to rise and dance gracefully but also demonstrating the power of evolutionary life.
【共棲 Commensalism 】—— 豐蕊織間 Pistil Playground
花朵植物跟你想的不⼀樣 Flowers and plant are not as what you think
They whisper, converse, laugh and strive for favor. They are more ever-changing than what you have imagined. They reproduce, survive and expand territories. They fight for survival like we do,and may even understand the wisdom of survival more than us.Their spirit for survival is also superior to that of human.
The beauty and fragrance they were born with are all for reproduction. These elements attract insects and bird to pollinate for them, and their seeds fly, jump and dance along with light. They survive by using all kinds of methods, and all they do is for the purpose of continuing life for their kind.
【節氣 Solar terms 】—— 時序粼源 Seasonal sequence by the river
回返⽣活視野 Return to vision of life
Rivers are water bodies of inland. Due to particular geographic environment and climate conditions at the border of water and land, each river has its own unique ecosphere and is the most brilliant transition zone among ecology.
In addition to purifying water and regulating urban temperature, the aquatic plants around the river also drive its biosphere, where aquatic insects, fish and shrimps inhabit, frogs breed, and birds reside. Active, plentiful and diversified ecology under harmonious symbiosis is the most beautiful appearance of this city.
There is an unbreakable link between human and the nature, and only by preserving space for each other can life continue